Things that I have occasionally found useful.
This was part of my reporting so that I could try and get people to remove some data from there storage space on our HPC. This one-liner reports in GB the amount of storage taken up by files that haven't been accessed in over 1 year.
NOTE: I think there may be a bug in this, will need to check.
To get user data, run this in the directory containing users home directory as root
This assumes a stream of one column data that one may wish to reformat as a float with 3.d.p. and then takes every 266 and makes that a row. Therefore if there were 266*266 values in the file, you would get a 266*266 matrix.
Assume you have two files where the rows represent the same entry, but the columns are in different we'd like to join them.
Assumes you have set up the ssh keys so you don't need to enter the password.